Honey - Marble Queen

  "Bahiya Honey Kisses of Vividcats"
      Honey tested HCM clear November 2011 and December 2012 by Dr. Kim Hawkes cardiologist and PK-def negative N/N by UCDavis.
     Honey is from Bahiya Bengals in Georgia and I cannot thank Christina Kennedy enough for her, as she is simply gorgeous and marble Bengals develop until they are about two years old!
     Honey has been retired, but I kept a beautiful spotted girl from her and Klaus that carries the charocal gene.

April 2011 (7 months old)

Feb 2011 (5 months old)

Honey at 7 weeks of age
(photo credit to Christina Kennedy Bahiya Bengals)

Honey's Mother
"Fianna Quite the Catch of Bahiya"
SGC Zendada Sun Catcher of Fianna x Bengaland Spirit Chaser of Fianna
(photo credit Bahiya Bengals taken by Helmi)

Honey's Father
"RW SGC Medoz Mosiac"
IW SGC Goldspurr Magnum Force of BSBengals x Medoz Fauna
(photo credit unknown)